
Shia, Sunni, Salafi, Zaydi, Zahiri

Shia articles
  1. Tracing the Origin of the Ritual of Karbala.
  2. Tracing the Origin of Akhbarism. [Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
  3. The Martyr of Iraq: Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr 
  4. Bahrain Shia. [Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
  5. Malaysia Shia. [Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  6. Death of Ismail and the Question of Bada
  7. Do we have a list of Shia Sects?
  8. The History and Doctrines of the Akhbārī Shia School
  9. Intro to the Akhbari book 
  10. Opposition to the Shia Legal Theory
  11. Tracing the origin or the beginning of Akhbarism 
  12. Akhbari-Usuli Dispute
  13. The Emergence of Akhbariyya 
  14. Akhbarism before al-Astrabadi?
  15. 10 Muslim/Islamic sects/groups set to be annihilated in Malaysia 
  16. Stop the Shi'ite holocaust in Malaysia 
  17. The hadith about Fatima’s jealousy is not well understood
  18. Denying the Imamah of Ahlul Bayt 
  19. The Shias are distinct from Ghulats 
  20. Why do we mourn Imam Hussayn?
  21. What is the origin of the ritual of Ashura? 
  22. What is the origin of the ritual of Ashura? (part 2) 
  23. Farazdaq's Poetry
  24. What is the origin of the ritual of Ashura? (part 3) 
  25. What is the origin of the ritual of Ashura? (part 4)
  26. What is the origin of the ritual of Ashura? (part 5)
  27. What is the origin of the ritual of Ashura? (part 6) 
  28. What is the origin of the ritual of Ashura? (part 7) 
  29. What is the origin of the ritual of Ashura? (part 8) 
  30. What is the origin of the ritual of Ashura? (part 9) 
  31. What is the origin of the ritual of Ashura? (part 10) 
  32. What is the origin of the ritual of Ashura? (part 11)
  33. What is the origin of the ritual of Ashura? (part 12)
  34. Muharram Rituals of the Early Shias 
  35. Rafida, Rafidites 
  36. Differences between 12-Imam Shi'ism and Zaydis or Ismailism
  37. The court system in Malaysia is very unfair towads the Shia Minority 
  38. I still don't understand why the great majority of Muslims are soo blind 
  39. Muharram is generally a sad month 
  40. Please listen to Muharram lectures 
  41. Violence on Ashura 
  42. Muharram 2011/1433 Lectures (English)
    Sunni articles 
    1. Application of ra'y (opinion) 
    2. From Ra’y (opinion) to Qiyas (analogy) 
    3. Abu Hanifah with Imam Jaffar as-Sadiq 
    4. More hostility towards Abu Hanifa 
    5. Clashes between People of Traditions (hadeeths) with People of Opinions (ra'y) 
    6. Speculative theology
    7. The Sunni Imam as-Shafii 
    8. Decline of Hanifite, rise of Shafite and the birth of Zahiri 
    9. Qardawi the hypocrite 
    10. Muslim Schisms and Sects
    11. Introduction to Research Into Sects 
    12. Breakdown of the Muslim Sects 
    13. Definition of Muslim (Islamic) Ummah 
    14. How did the Muslim community got divided into sects?
    15. It’s not Eid yet! 
    16. Development of the Sunni Fiqh and the application of analogy 
    17. Early Sunni Doctrine Concerning Faith 
    18. The Two Opposing Doctrines of Faith in Sunni Islam
    19. The Two Opposing Doctrines of Faith in Sunni Islam --part 2 
    20. The actions or works of humans are an integral part of the faith--part 3
    21. How do Sunnis observe Ashura?
    Murjiyyah (Proto Sunnis)
    1. Murjiyyah
    2. Sunni Imam Abu Hanifah was from the Murjiyyah sect
    3. Qaddari sect is not a Sufi order
    4. Shahrastani on Murji'ites 

    Qadariya again
    Qaddari sect is not a Sufi order

    1. Ibn Taymiyyah, forefather of the Wahhabiya movement, founder of the Salafi sect 
    2. Ibn Taymiyyah's Teaching (Tajsim, Ejtehad, Philosophy) 
    3. Ibn Taymiyyah’s anthropormorphism
    4. Saudi Women and voting 
    5. In recent days we have seen too many

    1. I stumbled across Zaydis vs Imami discourse
    2. Answering the Zaydiyyah sect
    3. Answering objections from Zaydiyyah sect – part three
    4. More traditions about the death of Ismail son of Imam as-Sadiq
    5. 4th objection from Zaydis 
    6. Shaykh Saduq rebuttal  
    7. Differences between 12-Imam Shi'ism and Zaydis or Ismailism
    8. It is too early to post something about the Zaydis
    9. Jarudiyya
    10. What did al-Sharastani say about Jarudiyya Zaydi
    11. Concluding Remark about Jarudiyya
    12. Spread of Zaydism

    Batriyya (Butris)
    Butris going against Shias - part 1
    Butris going against Shias - part 2
    Butris going against Shias - part 3

    1. Zahiri Sect 
    2. Read a book about the Zahiri Islamic law 
    3. What is a Zahiri?

    About the blog

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