
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It is too early to post something about the Zaydis

Don't have anything interesting to report today. I am completely out of ideas. I recently posted a number of posts about the Butris, a sub-sect of the Zaydi. It seems too early to be revisiting them again but I am going to anyway.

A kindly brother suggested that I write about Jarudiyya another sub-sect of Zaydis. I have nothing on hand about them.

Click here to see a good discussion about Zaydia

See post #14. Here are some key points
  • They are incorrectly referred to as the Fivers
  • They seek to justify the rule of the first two caliphs of the Muslim by denying the specific designation of Imam Ali as the successor of the Prophet
  • They believe in the Imamah of both grandsons of the Holy Prophet, Hassan and Hussein
  • They believe that anyone from the family of Hassan or Hussein can be Imams after them (the grandsons of the Holy Prophet)
  • They don't believe in the concept of divinely guided. The candidate for the Imam must only possess religious credential (regularly scholars).
  • They reject the 4th Shia Imam, Ali ibn al-Hussain Zayn al-Abidin
  • They claim that Zayd son of Ali ibn al-Hussein rose to the position of Imamah because he raise his sword against the Ummayad
  • The next Imam after the killing of Zayd was his son Yahya
  • There were Zaydi's political dynasties that ruled Yemen

The poster also concluded by  offering a revealing portrait of the evolution of the Zaydis from past till the present time

The problem with narrowing down precisely what Zaydism is that over the centuries it has morphed and changed itself several times. For instance, the early Jarudiyya Zaydis apparently believed that there would be twelve Imams and understood the position of an Imam to be something closer to what we Imamis believe. Eventually, they largely went over to the Imamiyya and left Zaydism. In fiqh, they apparently do not even use the earlier Zaydi collection of hadiths, the so-called Musnad Zayd, but instead follow the fiqh of their Imam al-Hadi ila al-Haqq Yahya b. al-Husayn, the founder of the Zaydi dynasty in Sana`a, Yemen. Nowadays, from what I've heard the situation is even more confused. They have no Imam they recognize, with some Zaydis converting to Wahhabism and others forming around groups Al-hamdu lillah, some have been coming over to Twelver Shi`ism now also.


  1. There are two incorrect statements:
    1)"They seek to justify the rule of the first two caliphs of the Muslim by denying the specific designation of Imam Ali as the successor of the Prophet"
    They don't seek to justify it. They have always argued that Imam Ali was the rightful successor and was designated by the prophet Muhammad but only implicitly, e.g. Ghadir Khumm. They take Imam Ali's position on the matter of Abu Bakr and Umar. He didn't fight against them. And so, Imam Ali who is greater allowed Abu Bakr and Umar who were lower to rule. So the Zaydis are following Imam Ali's example. Discontent with Uthman's ascension as Caliph and his nepotism was expressed by Imam Ali and so the Zaydis follow him on that point as well.

    1. 2)"They reject the 4th Shia Imam, Ali ibn al-Hussain Zayn al-Abidin"
      No they don't.

    2. They reject the 5th twelver Imam al-Baqir.


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