
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Erroneous information about the Holy Prophet

One of the most well written articles on Wikipedia about Islam is the biographical information about the Prophet of Islam. It contains almost everything you wish to know about the Prophet. While the article is comprehensive but it is not very insightful. My other complaint is the manner of how some facts are presented, such as
  • Muhammad being the founder of Islam?? 
  • Muhammad accompanied his uncle on trading journeys to Syria gaining experience in commercial trade, the only career open to Muhammad as an orphan?? [Career?]
  • he met a Christian monk or hermit named Bahira who is said to have foreseen Muhammed's career as a prophet of God?? [Career?]
  • Upon receiving his first revelations, he was deeply distressed and resolved to commit suicide. [What??]
  • Muhammad desperately hoping for an accommodation with his tribe, either from fear or in the hope of succeeding more readily in this way, pronounced a verse acknowledging the existence of three Meccan goddesses considered to be the daughters of Allah, and appealing for their intercession. Muhammad later retracted the verses at the behest of Gabriel, claiming that the verses were whispered by the devil himself [WHAT??]
  • ,Economically uprooted and with no available profession, the Muslim migrants turned to raiding Meccan caravans, initiating armed conflict with Mecca. Muhammad delivered Qur'anic verses permitting the Muslims to fight the Meccans [Seems to imply that the Prophet encourage the Muslims to steal and rob?!]

To be continued…


  1. Sigh. The second last point is all thanks to Salman Rushdie's "Satanic Verses"..

  2. I don't think this incident has anything to do with Salman Rushdie. Some people claim that this incident was reported in some books. See here


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