
Ghulats, Alawi, Nusayris, Druze

  1. Reading the Ghulats
  2. Shia condemns Ghulat
  3. Leader of Ghulat (al-Mughıra b. Saıd)
  4. Ghulat Groups 
  5. Extremist Shiites: the ghulat sects By Matti Moosa (book)
  6. The Development of the Term Ghulāt in Muslim Literature   
  7. Interesting hadiths about Ghulat
  8. The Shias are distinct from Ghulats 
  9. Misconceptions about Ghulats 
  10. Ahl al-Haq

Alawi / Nusayris
  1. Questions about Alawi/Nusayris sect 
  2. Some leads on Alawi/Nusayris - part 1 
  3. Testimonial: Belief of the Alawi/Nusayris sect
  4. More testimonial inside the sect 
  5. Alawi/Nusayris sect reading materials 
  6. History and evolution of `Alawiyya

  1. Notes about the Druze belief   
  2. Al-Darazî and Ḥamza in the Origin of the Druze Religion
  3. The Origin of the Druze Religion
  1. The Kaysanite sect is classified in the Ghulat group
  2. The confession of a follower of the Kaysaniyya sect
  3. Muhammad Ibn al-Hanafiyyah passing away
  4. Druze Spiritual Leader Dead

Minor Sects

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