
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Unpleasant tasks ahead

End of the year is generally when I restructure my blog.

The process takes a long time and sometimes that's not very pleasant for me.

Afterward, I create a summary of written articles, what I've accomplished this year and what my visitors like to see on my blog.

While I can see the value of going back through each of my posts and linking them to indexing pages for easy retrieval but this work can also be a waste of my time; my time could be better spent writing new articles rather than revisiting old work. Besides, my earlier research about Islamic sects has almost nothing to do with most of my recent posts which are generally about politics, social, current events and sometimes completely random stuffs.

I definitely will continue my work in researching other sects but I don't plan to delve too deep into any single sect. I do feel the need to keep my sects related materials only at introductory level.

I also believe that some ideas (religious or non) are very interesting and I pursue them because doesn't matter what is the origin of it, if it's worthwhile then we should learn and know it.



  1. Unpleasant task indeed! Isn't it a gargantuan task writing and maintaining a blog? Burns a lot of your brain cells innit? Someday you wish you could hire a blog administrator to do all the menial work of editing and sorting out the content into neat,manageable, surfable chunks.

  2. I don't think I can hire someone else to do all these work or even writing for me. I'm putting my thoughts, ideas and findings here and some of them are original. Without originality and creativity, everything tends to die slowly and painfully. Hardest part is of course organizing the content. I'm hoping that I don't need to work on it since google search is smart or will be smart enough to know what is really important in the WWW.


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