
Monday, November 25, 2013

Jewish Atheism

Definition: Jewish atheism refers to atheism as practised by people who are ethnically, and to some extent culturally, Jewish.

Based on some numbers from Wikipedia: 50% of the American Jews doubts the existence of God. Not shocking at all. I've always expected this. The Jews, at least the American Jews, are very liberal and secular.

The mainstream Jews mostly subscribe to the idea of Judaism that emphasis practice more over belief (e.g belief in God is not a necessary prerequisite to Jewish observance).

But not everyone agrees with this ideology.

However, Orthodox Judaism regards the acceptance of the "Yoke of Heaven" (the sovereignty of the God of Israel in the world and the divine origin of the Torah) as a fundamental obligation for Jews.

What works in their favor:
Much recent Jewish theology makes few if any metaphysical claims and is thus compatible with atheism on an ontological level.

Now, if you are a secular Jew and don't believe in all the religious mumbo-jumbo, then where do you stand or what actually defines you as a Jew?

The article on Wikipedia stated that an atheist Jew would probably identify with

- Jewish history and peoplehood, immersion in Jewish literature
- The consumption of Jewish food and an attachment to Jewish languages, festivals etc

Notable personalities: Albert Einstein, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Golda Meir, Woody Allen

Jewish Atheism is interesting. I think their moto should be "You don't have to be embarrassed about your lack of belief or disbelief".

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