
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Syria is a lose-lose situation

On one side you have the current secular dictator who inherited the government from his father and on the other side you have the murderers jihadist wahhabis/salafist whose are fighting for their fanatical ideas about Islam. Both sides seem to be equally bad.

Yesterday, I was listening to the Syrian refugee crisis on the radio. The situation is very bad.

Over 100,000 Syrian refugee living in cramped tents with very little water and almost no electricity.

More than half a million Syrian refugees have crossed into Jordan, and the number is expected to rise to 1 million by the end of the year.

Aid workers at Zaatari say they are overwhelmed by the job of providing services for a population that grows by more than a thousand every day, says Oxfam's Gluck.

"It's just a feeling that it's a flood that never ends. It's a deluge that you are trying to push back, and you're doing what you can," she says. "We are only providing the very basics here. They are getting the bare minimum."

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