
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Boston Marathon Tragedy Conspiracy Theories

After the Boston marathon blast, the online community started looking for possible terrorists/suspects based on still pictures/images of the event. A number of potential suspects were randomly profiled (identified) based either on their skin colors or the size of their bags. A middle age man in a blue robe who was carrying a decent size bag was immediately picked out. Reasons given as to why this is a suspect? “His bag seems quite heavy. He must be carrying those pressure cookers; His clothing style seems very out of place at the marathon event. He’s definitely a suspect.”

A few more people were identified; those who were not directly gazing at the runners or who seemed quite bored or who are focused on something else. It’s easy to see why the real suspects would be distracted. They would be more concern about the mission than watching a sporting event.

People with brown skin/coloring were the first to be picked out by the racists. Rupert Murdoch’s newspaper published pictures of a 17-year old Moroccan boy with a circle on his face; emphasizing that this could potentially be the suspect the authority are looking for.

Two men dressed in dark glasses, caps and military pants were identified as black-water operative or from a private security firm. Since most of us don’t know who they were and we didn’t know the Tsarnaev brothers, some people believed these men could quite possibly be the suspects. The conspirators didn’t waste much time in connecting the dot. They started selling Boston Marathon tragedy as an inside job by undercover government agents.

I found most of the conspiracy theories about the Boston Marathon Blast from reading users’ comments at online news sites. I guess the official version of the story is just not sexy enough for some people. They must have/seek an alternate explanation/narrative. Every high profile happenings (domestic and international) must be seen as an inside government job. Even seemingly natural events (like earthquakes and hurricanes) are not to be taken at face value.

I generally find most of the alternate theories quite silly. I also can’t imagine the government agencies (FBI or CIA) having that much time and resources at hand to stage ‘undercover operations’ in the United States at this day and age; operations that are immediately exposed by the likes of Alex Jones on his website.

But that’s not all. At the same time with the Boston tragedy, we also saw an explosion at a fertilizer plant/factory in Texas. Some people have rejected the official version of the story that the fire originated from the highly explosive chemical/material, twice the limit allowed by the regulation. They believed that the government fired rockets/missiles at the factory causing the explosion and starting the fire. The conspirators again accused the government of being at the center of mayhems and mischiefs.

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