
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Syrian Rebel Eating a Human Heart

I’ve seen the video. Click to play the video at this link only if you are not weak at heart. It’s very graphic. It shows a man standing over a dead body, cutting out the heart (or lung) and consuming it while chanting derogatory statement about Bashar al-Assad and his supporters.

The BBC Middle East page has this news on its front page.

A video which appears to show a Syrian rebel taking a bite from the heart of a dead soldier has been widely condemned.

US-based Human Rights Watch identified the rebel as Abu Sakkar, a well-known insurgent from the city of Homs, and said his actions were a war crime.

"The mutilation of the bodies of enemies is a war crime. But the even more serious issue is the very rapid descent into sectarian rhetoric and violence," HRW's Peter Bouckaert told Reuters news agency.

The side note at the BBC site has this quote

This gruesome episode.... highlights - in stark terms - some of the problems facing those Western powers eager to support the opposition

I’ve never been able to figure out why the West is supporting this barbaric group of Syrian Rebels. Don’t they know you cannot spread democracy in Middle East by supporting the Muslim Jihadist/fundamentalist? Those scumbags are totally against the very idea of democracy itself. If they succeed in collapsing the Assad Regime, then they’ll bring their fundamentalists ideas and leadership who will trample the rights of people left and right.


  1. Yeah these Fake Syrian Army animals make Bashar look like Mother Theresa.

    Remember the pictures of the 2 year old boy that they hung from a window after they slaughtered his entire family in front of him? Oh yeah and the videos where they are sawing heads off of live human beings with a small kitchen or utility knife.

    However some good news came out yesterday. Insha'Allah it's true. Supposedly Hezbollah killed Abu Sayyaf (that Jordanian Salafist) yesterday. I was getting whatsapp messages about it all day.

  2. In fact I am watching other news reports here that aren't being broadcasted in the west and the FSA is taking a serious but whipping lately. Most of them are quite inexperienced when it comes to warfare and they are dealing with some quite formidable forces as of lately. I hope they lose soon because Syrian women, well all Syrians (but especially the women), can definitely say goodbye to any taste of freedom if the salafists are able to establish their rule. Sorry but in my opinion secularism is the only way and the best way to go until the reappearance of our Imam because only he knows how to rule and correctly apply sharia, anyone else only uses it as a form of oppression.

  3. Over here, we don’t really get much news about people getting their arms hacked or head sawed. This week, the American news media were focused on very trivial non issues like Benghazi or IRS targeting non-profit having the name tea-party.
    I know that you do have some very crazy fanatics among the Syrian Rebels that enjoy torturing and mutilating bodies. And I think most of the rebels are sold this idea that Alawites are Shias and this is some sort of Holy War against the Kufar/Rafidah.

  4. I also agree with you that secularism is the best way to go forward. Most of the political systems have failed spectacularly and I think the more we try to cling to an Islamic based political system, the less Islamic the system becomes in due time.


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