
Sunday, May 19, 2013

ShiaChat down (offline) ?

The site appears to be down at 8:30am (EST). I hope they get it back online.

EDIT: ShiaChat is still down since the last time I check, 6.5 hours ago. Well, this has been such a productive day so far for me, hopefully some of you guys get the needed break. :P

2nd EDIT: ShiaChat has been offline for two days in a row. Let's hope it gets back online soon. I'm getting lots of visitors from this post here. Enjoy your stay.

EDIT: ShiaChat is back online now after three days. Rejoice!


  1. It's been off all day :'(
    What happened? I hope all posts and accounts are deleted. Muahhahaha. I could impersonate someone important.

  2. Good all of those hormonale teenage donkies and boys had their soapbox taken down for a while. I hope it's hacked again.

  3. excuse me...hormonal**** (typo above LOL)

  4. Yep. The site has been down the whole day. I don't know what's the problem. Even the server is not up. It's as if the whole site has been put online. No one is updating the SC facebook page. So, we don't really know the exact situation.

    I had a very good and productive day today. Maybe they decided to give us some break? like a vacation or something. :)

    Anyway, I think we should just relax and not think about it too much. Someone should be working on it...

    Off to bed now, so goodnite.

  5. I can't believe it. The site is still down this morning. I'm getting a little bit worried. Normal maintenance or upgrades does not take this much time. Do you think SC has been hacked?

  6. Maybe it was an upgrade gone bad and they are having a hard time fixing the bug?

  7. Could be. A mod or admin would be able to say for sure if they were upgrading the forum software this weekend. I wish there was some mechanisms where people would get updated when something like this happens. Also, I don’t generally anticipate upgrades problem putting the whole site offline. We should at least get the maintenance screen if something went wrong with the upgrade. I’ve seen theem putting that page to let people know. This is very strange and unusual because the whole site has somehow disappeared…in the thin air.

  8. Maybe Ali had enough of the horny preschoolers (excuse my french)

  9. Don’t think Ali has that much time to read topics.

    It would be nice if SC had a separate section for teenagers and lonely men. So, some of us who don’t really care about their issues don’t have to constantly read about them.

  10. Stop bashing men and teenagers :dry:
    I can still contribute positively to the forum despite being a teenaged man!

    Anyways, it appears that the admins never made backups of the site, otherwise they would have a backup up and running for us :P Something probably happened and they're like "Oh damn, we don't have backups. Take the whole thing off!"

  11. Gypsy i have to say i love you, and if i could marry any female on this site it owuld be you LOL, not being a sleeze, but you are the most awesome down to earth girl i have come across, and i salute you. I wish you WERE a mod again, because you definately would of cleaned the place up

  12. Dear God no! I hope that’s not the case. I’ve made soo many posts on weekends .. more than the usual since I’d time this weekend. This isn’t good. Why can’t the forum be offline when I’m away.

    I also know for a fact that SC does backup of posts/threads – I think somewhere in the vicinity of the last three days or maybe nightly backups. It began after the severe crash ten years ago or so. We lost a few days’ worth of threads.

  13. Ricky Dee, be quiet. Don’t make me delete your comments for being vulgar.

    I think the moderators are doing the best job they can. No one is perfect, and people make mistake all the time.

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  15. I am so so so so so sorry. I showed OsamaHatum this because he was wondering why SC was down. I didn't know he would post stupid ... insults like that. Wallah it's not me. I apologize. I won't link him to this stuff ever again.

  16. Stop posting nasty messages towards ImAli. I would not tolerate that sort of messages here.

  17. OsamaHatum? What are you talking about?

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  29. The comments section is still available to anonymous users as of now. But if you can’t seems to post, that means I’ve disabled that functionalities.

  30. I’ve changed the settings to allow comments to be moderated.
    Okay, Osama Hatum. Go for it. Post the nastiest thing you can. Help me test out this feature.

  31. Test completed. Now go away.

    Yabnul_Taha/Zayn: Why do you have such a nasty fellow among your contact? I can’t believe you set your standard that low.

  32. I miss shiachat :'(

  33. He's a friend of mine. I do not support what he has done here nor do I support those pictures he sent to various people on ShiaChat (if he did -- he claims he didn't -- I don't know what's true). But he's nice to me and I see no reason why I can't be friends with him. I am also nice to ImAli and Yoda (although we used to fight a lot, I've apologized and made up). I just try to be nice and friendly to everybody as long as they do the same to me.

    I apologize for the trouble. If I had known he was going to spam this with vulgar comments, I wouldn't have sent him the link to your blog. He texted me asking if ShiaChat was down for me too, so I linked him here to show that it was down for everybody. I sincerely apologize for my role in this.

    Love your blog, by the way. Very informative ^^

  34. Hey gypsy this is the real ricky dee aka deeeebo aka salafi slayer... Dont you find it strange that a comment on your profile years ago when u were admin has been copied and pasted here ? Like i totally forgot that even existed and someone else posted it here.....

    Something very strange going on here, yeah i sent that to you years ago but i never posted it here , this is my first post here.... This leads me to believe sc has been hacked and its all over red rover !!!!

  35. Dude wtf who is using my old username

  36. Deeebo, your comment is still available for the world to see. (

  37. Zayn: Your friend has written unbelievable amount of profanity (in excess of 30 comments). It

    You still consider someone like that a friend?

  38. Ok if it is available who copied n pasted it here ? Why dis you react to it the way you did ? This is strange

  39. I dunno. I don't see why not. He hasn't done anything to me. I feel sorry that I caused this to happen (by linking him here) but I don't see how it affects my friendship with him. And I didn't actually get to see the profanity (except for the first one) because you removed the comments before I could see them. Nonetheless, I'm not picking any sides. What he did was wrong, but that doesn't mean I don't consider him a friend. If my kid set my house on fire, I wouldn't disown him. Maybe if/when Osama does something bad to me, I'll change my mind.

  40. I see... it's OK if he uses the most profane language to disparage other believers - even ladies - but as long as he doesn't insult you, everything is honky-dory. You need to do some growing up, son. As the adage goes, birds of a feather stick together. Do you want to be resurrected on Judgement Day with the likes of those who practice the most degrading vulgarities? Btw, your analogy is ridiculous; obviously this Osama is just a friend and not your son.

  41. Zayn: some friend you are/have to be in such a complete state of denial. All his comments are still available in my accounts. I guess I can always send a screen capture of his comments. Some of them are soo profane, you'll get sick.

    Deebo, the day you got banned for acting like a drama queen, the boys rushed immediately to the chatroom and started talking about you. The authority were deleting some of your posts, including your notes.

    Someone from SC obviously felt that some of your notes were too hilarious and deserved to be saved for the future. That's how it ended up on that site.

  42. Anyway, the fact remains that SC has been offline for over 2 days and nothing has even been posted on the SC Facebook page. Very strange ...

  43. The person who maintains the Facebook page is Al Imran. He's probably not aware that the site is down. The last I heard about him was that he was traveling somewhere in the Middle East. I'm also not certain if he is doing anything technical in regards to the site.

    We would need to wait for either Ali or Ya Aba. I guess there's some major problem at the back-end. This is not good.

    It's going to be hard to live in a world without ShiaChat. There's almost no other forum to go to.

  44. Khalil: I don't think you know Osama as well as I do. What he did was wrong, yes, but that does not take away from the fact that he is a very valuable friend to me. When you're someone like me, friends are hard to come by. Especially knowledgeable friends that enjoy discussing Islam with you. I'm not asking you to be his friend or anything of that nature. I simply texted him the link to this post because he asked if ShiaChat was down. He posted nasty comments and I apologized for my role in it (bringing him here). That's really the end of it.

    Gypsy: I know what his comments were. Osama sent me a screenshot of them. Though, I have to wonder if they were all his. For example, "NiggerKiller69" seems to be an established Blogger user. I'm sure a lot of them were his, to be honest. And as much as they repulse me, I can do nothing about it. I have apologized for my role in bringing him to your blog, and there is really nothing else I can do except not send him links here in the future. I reiterate my apology, but that's all I can do.

  45. By the way, I think Ali Imran is in Qum right now, studying at hawza.

  46. Dear gypsy i totally understand. I was in the chatroom and saw everything, thats not the issue here. The issue is even if you DIDNT know who copied and pasted that here, you sure were quick to find out where they got it from....

    Either way i was just shocked at you playing dumb when you really DID know it wasnt me. You reacted to a copy n paste, as if you had no idea about it when clearly you did... Kinda strange

    Either way ill call ya aba and find out what the deal is, but its kinda funny how everyone is freaking out lol. Maybe its time people went outside, kicked a ball or something. Spend thay extra time with your kids or working a 2nd job instead of being addicted to sc

    Anyways enjoy


  47. Well, do call YaAba to get to the bottom of this. We need to know what's going on here. I hope he's already looking into it.

    Deebo, you are as anonymous as everybody else on the Internet. No one really knows if you are who you claim to be. If someone claims to be you, then I'm going to assume it's you. How could I know that anonymous person A is not you but anonymous person B is you. I cannot know for sure. Also, I didn't really need to look up the origin of that message. I was in the chat room the day they banned you. Everyone was talking about you.

    People probably feel miserable if they cannot go to their favorite website on Internet. What's special about SC is that it's real-time with real people. Not a faceless random website with old contents. People tend to miss that most.

  48. Deeeeeebo: I'm personally not "freaking out", though after reading some of the messages on the SC Facebook page, it appears as if some people are. It just appears rather strange that SC has been offline for this length of time and there's been no explanation of why. Yes, we will survive, but I can't help but be curious as to what's happening.

    Zayn: I understand your predicament, and nobody is blaming you for your friend's actions. That said, as a friend, you may want to counsel him on his akhlaaq. We are judged by the people we associate with. Also, given Osama's lack of good akhlaaq, I would be careful accepting any of his views on deen, if I were you.

  49. When ShiaChat is down, me and my friends create a shared account on some other forum such as SunniForum and troll.

    "You have been banned for the following reason:
    lacking respect of sahaba radhiyallaahu anhum

    Date the ban will be lifted: Never"

    ;) Who wants to join us? :P

  50. omgg i miss shiachat so much :'( please guys do something about it, especailly knowing that you dont have a social life

  51. Zayn honestly you seem like a nice kid after interacting with you in PM, but I don't really understand how a guy that sends out pictures of gay guys eating turds, men taking a dump on top of a camera, and picture of STD laden genitalia can really be a valuable friend.....and this isn't the first time you have showed a poor choice in friends. You know Zayn, just because people say nice sweet words and pretend to be good doesn't always mean they are "the light of fatima" fact many of them who are like this are snakes in reality. You know zayn I don't really know you, and I know that I come across as rude, a bit too blunt, and a big meanie...but when push comes to shove I'm sure you could trust me or even Queen Yoda with your well being before you could any of them. Anyway this is all stupid and ShiaChat has become nothing but a breeding ground for hypocrisy, perverts, and trolls. I am with Deebo on this might be good for it to be shut down.

  52. I was wondering why it was down too! I'm happy that it's up now though, I registered a week or so ago and can't stop going back.

  53. Gypsy, nice to see your blog up and running. I didn't know you had started posting again. I used to come around for some nicely researched nuggets on obscure Muslim sects before you (temporarily) closed it. ImAli's message on SC alerted me to your blog. So thanks to her.

    Anyway, it's a rather queer situation to see SC fights imported to your blog. Can't believe it really. Some people seem to have nothing better in life to do than engage in petty and incessant squabbles. And that dirty picture guy is still stalking people around? I also received the set of pics more than once but I don't exactly remember getting into fights with him. He's way below my level.

    Khayr... I'm Marbles if you're wondering.

  54. Hello Marbles
    As SC continuously to be offline, the number of users increased significantly to my blog. The comment in this post is probably 1-2% of the actually number of visitors that arrived here. I guess most people had SC withdrawal symptoms. I’m glad to provide a place where people can get in touch with each other whenever SC is down. I don’t think it’s productive to be arguing a lot here on blog, since this is not really a discussion board.
    I closed this blog for 6 months or so because I got busy with life and traveling. I did get a lot of people telling me that they love reading my blog and asking me why I closed the blog. I sort of feel guilty and as soon as I had the opportunity, I reopened my blog and posted a message here.

    I’ll talk to you more on SC.

  55. Shiachat is still down =(

  56. shiachat was run by tyrants and God punished them for abusing their power and oppressing and suppressing people that did not deserve to be suppressed for talking the truth, they became a shame on the Ahlul Bayt and Imams

    they became arrogant in their power and this result is well deserved


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