
Friday, July 20, 2012

The local Sunni mosque got its date wrong!

The closest Sunni mosque got its starting date for the month of Ramadhan wrong.

The note on the website (on Thursday) stated that the first of the month is on Friday (today) and this will be taken as the beginning of the month of Ramadhan. They even posted a blatant lie on the website saying that they have observed the hilal/crescent or taken the news of other reports.

How on earth do people see the crescent when it was not visible at all from planet earth (not even with optical aids). The moon sighting website reported that the earliest sighting was Friday on Fiji Island. And then they are other reported observation of the hilal in other countries. I'm seeing that many of the Sunni Muslim countries taking Saturday as the first of the month of Ramadhan.

But many mosques are also sticking by the Saudi mythical claim of the moon sighting.

This reminds me of the following famous Sunni hadith.
"Verily Allah will not make my community agree on error"

Surprise! Surprise! There's so much agreement on errors that I think the hadith (above) must be a hoax.

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