
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chapter Nine and Ten

Chapter Nine is about a non-Muslim sect, Essenes and their tenets. This could either be a Christian or a Jewish Sect. Just skimmed the chapter. Not reading much.

Chapter Ten is about Pythogoras, the Mathematician.

Everything written in this chapter is mostly based on Greek or Egyptian philosophies.

The Pythagorean system embraced three degrees, with a fourth as a supreme entrance into the highest knowledge.

The Pythagorean Sect had their own initiation ceremony and teaching. They were pretty obsessed with the number three. They saw everything in terms of three or trinity.

The Triad, or ternary law, is accordingly the constitutive life of things, and the real key to life, the corner stone of esoteric science, which Pythagoras made the foundation of his system.

Pythagorean could be connected to the Druids. See the quote below
amblichus also tells us that a visitor to Pythagoras was Abaris the Hyperborean, who came to Crotona from a distant land in order that he might collect gold for his temple, and that Pythagoras learned much from him. Now this Abaris is considered by many distinguished writers on the Druids to have been identical with Abhras, who, according to ancient Irish legendary history, is stated to have travelled from Ireland to distant countries, and after a long time to have returned by way of Scotland, where he remained for seven years, bringing a new system of religion. From this Godfrey Higgins concludes 2 that the Druids were Pythagoreans.

Here's an interesting saying from Pythagoras about the God
Pythagoras has left us the following beautiful conception of the Deity: 'GOD is neither the object of sense, nor subject to passions ; but invisible, only intelligible, and supremely intelligent. In His Body he is like the Light, and in His Soul He resembles Truth. He is the Universal Spirit that pervades and diffuses itself over all Nature. All things receive their life from Him. There is but One, Only GOD, Who is not, as some are apt to imagine, seated above the World beyond the Orb of the Universe ; but being Himself All in All, He sees all the beings that fill His immensity : the Only Principle, the Light of Heaven, the Father of all. He produces everything, He orders and disposes everything. He is the Reason, the Life and the Motion of all things."

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