
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rant about the middle east

I am asked about my recent post on Saudi Women Voting

Bhooka wants to know
How did voting in a national election turn into an islamic or non islamic issue, and so how is it related to women's "Islamic rights"?

He is right in a way. The political system in Saudi Arabia is a Monarchy (a form of tribal dictatorship) where the Saud royal family manages and runs the political, social, cultural and religious framework in the country.

At the local level people may have some control; vote and elect their representatives, but these votes don’t really mean that there is a working political system over there. People don’t really have the freedom to voice or govern or decide the future of the country.

So, if the royal family decided to send the military to the neighboring Bahrain to squash the majority of the Shia villagers, they can do that easily without consulting anyone in the Kingdom.

The other attractive feature of Arab Middle East is how much hate there is over there
- The Arabs vs. non Arabs
- The Sunni vs. Shias
- The conservative vs liberals
- The white skin vs the not so white skin
And the worse is of course the discrimination of the female gender.

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