
Friday, February 25, 2011

I created a new label for my blog entry

Libyan state TV showed a video clip of a cleric in a mosque who was quoting a supposedly saying of the Holy Prophet (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him and his family). The cleric said, “The Prophet said, if you dislike your ruler, you should not raise your swords against him. Be patient. If you rise against him, you will die as an infidel (Kafir)!” Yes, he sounded quite angry.  
Sayf-al-Islam, son of the Libyan dictator, is writing a constitution for Libya. He is also busy preserving his father’s corrupt government (through genocide of his people). I have found an interesting fact about the son of the dictator. He has a Ph.D from London School of Economics. In his doctoral dissertation, the son of the dictator “hit out at undemocratic states whose governments were "authoritarian, abusive and unrepresentative". I kid you not. Click here
Ghadafi (the dictator) now thinks his people, who are protesting, are under the command of foreign terrorist organization. JuanCole doesn’t think foreign terrorist organizations can put massive number of people on streets. Ghadafi also think his people are under an influence of milk and Nescafe spiked with hallucinogenic drugs
BTW, I created a new blog label; ‘Nonsense’. This should be pretty self-explanatory.


  1. There are Sunni ahadeeth that state what the cleric said above. And Wahabis most definitely emphasize it with strict lines. In fact, when I once spoke against the Pakistani corrupt leaders, an old Wahabi friend insisted that I repent because we cannot "speak against our leaders." It is linked to their understanding of the concept of Ulul-Amr.

    But of course, we Shi'a reject this. Alhamdulillah. Another reason why I accepted Shi'a Islam as Siratul Mustaqeem.

  2. Thank you for your comment. And yes, I do agree with you. If the clerics keep on justifying oppression, would people even believe such hadeeths/teaching?


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