
Thursday, April 21, 2011


Murjiyyah is theological school that was opposed to the Kharijites. Murjite doctrine held that only God has the authority to judge who is a true Muslim and who is not, and that Muslims should consider all other Muslims as part of the community.

They declared that no Muslim would enter the hellfire, no matter what his sins. This contradicts the traditional Sunni belief which states that some Muslims will enter the fire of hell temporarily. Therefore the Murjites are classified as "Ahlul Bid'ah" or "People of Innovation" by traditional Sunni Muslims


  1. What is the Shi'a stance on entering the Hellfire temporarily?

  2. Good question.

    We definitely believe that some Muslims will enter hell temporarily.

    The only doubtful question is will there be anyone damned in hell for eternity?


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