- Reading the Ghulats
- Shia condemns Ghulat
- Leader of Ghulat (al-Mughıra b. Saıd)
- Ghulat Groups
- Extremist Shiites: the ghulat sects By Matti Moosa (book)
- The Development of the Term Ghulāt in Muslim Literature
- Interesting hadiths about Ghulat
- The Shias are distinct from Ghulats
- Misconceptions about Ghulats
- Ahl al-Haq
Alawi / Nusayris
- Questions about Alawi/Nusayris sect
- Some leads on Alawi/Nusayris - part 1
- Testimonial: Belief of the Alawi/Nusayris sect
- More testimonial inside the sect
- Alawi/Nusayris sect reading materials
- History and evolution of `Alawiyya
- Notes about the Druze belief
- Al-Darazî and Ḥamza in the Origin of the Druze Religion
- The Origin of the Druze Religion
- The Kaysanite sect is classified in the Ghulat group
- The confession of a follower of the Kaysaniyya sect
- Muhammad Ibn al-Hanafiyyah passing away
- Druze Spiritual Leader Dead
Minor Sects
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