
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Would religion exist if God didn’t?

We believe that God exist, hence there is at least one religion.

We also know that if God didn’t exist, then we could have easily invented HIM/HER…because that’s what we are good at..creating gods/goddess and other supernatural beings and magical stories about them.

I know at least one philosopher who theorized that in the beginning of time, mankind started (began) without any religion whatsoever (the state of being in a complete disbelief).

Others strongly believe that the whole concept of religion was created because of the necessity to preserve the structure in the community and also for the convenience of the society.

Yet, many more believe that religions were created to not only explain the world around us but also the one beyond us (outer space, after death etc).

Realistically, no one can stop/could have stopped anyone from inventing their own religion/faith (this was far more easier in the olden days when we had no Internet …no one possess that many books, had libraries or could go on Internet forums to discuss or cross-check facts or share images/pictures!).

In one of my other posts here, I already stated that I no longer subscribe to this idea that there’s one true religion and that the rest of religions originated from that one true faith but that the message of that true religion could have somehow got lost/perverted by the followers of that religion.

We say God created the religion and hence religion is a validation of God’s existence.

This is not a well thought out argument because everything is very abstract and unverifiable. We already assumed that God exist because of the necessity to create a religion and we also assume that this God is interested in guiding us when we can find plenty of evidence around us to show that God doesn’t actually guide people that much. In fact, more people are misguided than guided.

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