
Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Here’s an interesting story about a Russian Millionaire Dmitry Itskov who plans to live forever (immortal). In this interview, he said

“when people come up with new ideas they’re called ‘nuts.’ Then everybody starts believing in the idea and nobody can remember a time when it seemed strange.”

“We need to show that we’re actually here to save lives,” he said. “To help the disabled, to cure diseases, to create technology that will allow us in the future to answer some existential questions. Like what is the brain, what is life, what is consciousness and, finally, what is the universe?”

He’s working on this project

His project, called the 2045 Initiative, for the year he hopes it is completed, envisions the mass production of lifelike, low-cost avatars that can be uploaded with the contents of a human brain, complete with all the particulars of consciousness and personality. This would be a digital copy of your mind in a nonbiological carrier, a version of a fully sentient person that could live for hundreds or thousands of years.

Read more and here

1 comment:

  1. Every soul has to experience the taste of death. We test you with both hardships and blessings. In the end you will all return to Us (21:35).

    Futility at its peak. Al-Dunya is so important to so many of these people that they want to chase after it forever. This will never work 'forever' although it might prolong life, which is interesting.


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