
Monday, June 6, 2011

Obedient Wives Club: Malaysia Group Says Good Sex Is A Duty

RAWANG, Malaysia — As a new bride, 22-year-old Ummu Atirah believes she knows the secret to a blissful marriage: obey her husband and ensure he is sexually satisfied.

Ummu and some 800 other Muslim women in Malaysia are members of the "Obedient Wives Club" that is generating controversy in one of the most modern and progressive Muslim-majority nations, where many Muslim Malaysian women hold high posts in the government and corporate world.

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Quite shocking advice
"Sex is a taboo in Asian society. We have ignored it in our marriages but it's all down to sex. A good wife is a good sex worker to her husband. What is wrong with being a whore ... to your husband?" she said.


  1. Salam,

    I love this post sister! You should post more stuff like this!

    I wish there was a club like this in Pakistan as well. In fact, such clubs should be set up all over the world in every city/town, village etc!


  2. As salamu alaykum,

    I can understand the purpose behind this group, but the whole "sex-slave" thing isn't really sitting well with me. Definitely, the topic of sexual intimacy amongst Muslims is VERY taboo but this is something that needs to be seen and understood by both MEN and WOMEN. Men are not the only ones with sexual needs and it isn't only the woman's job to quench those needs. It goes both ways. Perhaps there should be a "Obedient Husbands Club" too. lol

    Just my opinion.

  3. Wasalam
    My initial thought is that this sounds absurd.

    But I do need to read more before commenting on it. This is the first time I am hearing about this initiative (Obedient wife club).

  4. How's it absurd (except for perhaps the term she used i.e. whor..)?

    Insha'Allah you'll change your mind after you read more. Once again, thanks for sharing, it was a fantastic read. We don't get to hear such good news these days, lol.



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